3D design
Plate processing, which we are really at home in, but
take a look at our own designed and manufactured products. Let's start with perhaps our most complex product line, the public toilets. As with many of our other products, we not only designed and manufactured the frame structure of the building, but also developed a Clean Toilet Technology (3T), which covers the operation of the technology from the street furniture-like public toilet to the operation of public toilets in built buildings. During the operation of the toilet, in a pioneering way, we develop several special building engineering solutions. For example, a hand-washing module that works for hand approach (downward control), odor extraction from the toilet bowl and the building at the same time, monitoring the operation of the toilet via the Internet, if the need arises, WC - Guide remote monitoring system...
We have been manufacturing infrared flushing systems and infrared faucets almost since the beginning. Here we would like to highlight our intelligently operated urinal flushers, which adjust the amount of water used for flushing to the traffic. We manufacture complete complete medical sinks, which on the one hand are sheet metal processing, but our infrared medical faucets and disinfectant dispensers, which work with built-in special software, all work with special software developed in-house.
Street furniture-like public toilets that function as independent buildings, public toilets that can also be used by people with reduced mobility, as well as optional accessories that further increase the operational safety and usability of the smart toilet.
B&K Kft. has been engaged in the design, manufacture and distribution of public toilets for more than 25 years. This is the product category in which our mechanical, electronic and software knowledge is concentrated. In order to expand our product range and develop the design world of toilets, in cooperation with the Moholy - Nagy University of Arts, we have developed a new generation of public toilets with the support of the European Union. We are constantly developing our public toilets in terms of technology and services, following the principles of the 3T technology that we formulated, all the while preserving the originally designed design.
When designing the buildings, it was an important aspect to create public toilets that fit the requirements of street furniture harmoniously with the modern neighborhoods and the turn-of-the-century environment, and that people with disabilities can easily use them, so when planning the interior design, we also tried to follow the recommendations of rehabilitation engineer Csaba Csernyik to keep in mind. Thanks to this, in 2008, in addition to the HUNGARIAN PRODUCT GRAND AWARD, our toilets won the SÉRÜLTEK.HU MAGAZINE special award and the ODAGYELÉS award. Continuing on this path, we implemented developments that are useful for the users and the operators of the toilets and greatly increase the comfort of the toilets.
Design with PTC Creo ™ Hungary's market-leading, high-end CAD/CAM/CAE system
In 1999, based on world economic trends, production and sheet metal processing requirements, and last but not least, the requirements set by our CNC sheet metal processing machines, our company made the decision to purchase a 3D complex engineering design system for high-quality and fast design. This is how we chose the Pro Engineer 3D design system, whose newer generation system PTC CREO 3D is now used. The PTC CREO 3D design system gave and gives us the opportunity to be able to respond to market demands with our products within an acceptable time, and to present the planned product to our customers in the form of a model. we can send it.
We have a lot of experience in machine production, in the field of custom and purpose-built machine production!
Machine production, the design and production of individual or special purpose machines plays a decisive role in our activity. Our partners in the production of individual or purpose-built machines are mainly companies in the building machinery, vehicle industry, machine industry, pharmaceutical industry, paper industry and food industry. For them, we manufacture special unique and special equipment made of stainless steel, carbon steel and galvanized sheet.
Lemezmegmunkálás, amiben igazán otthon vagyunk, de
nézzük a saját tervezésű és gyártott termékeinket. Kezdjük talán a legkomplexebb termékcsaládunkkal, a nyilvános WC-kkel. Mint számos más termékünknél, nem csak az épület vázszerkezetét terveztük és gyártjuk, hanem kialakítottunk egy Tiszta Toalett Technológiát (3T) amely technológia működésében lefedi az utcabútor jellegű nyilvános illemhelytől az épített épületekben működő nyilvános WC működtetését. Az illemhely működtetése során, mondhatni úttörő módon, több speciális épületgépészeti megoldást dolgozunk ki, . így Pl. egy kézközelítésre (lefutó vezérlés) működő kézmosó modul, szagelszívás a WC csészéből és az épületből egyidőben, a WC működésének nyomonkövetése interneten keresztül, ha a szükség úgy hozza, WC - Guide távfelügyeleti rendszer....
Szinte a kezdetektől gyártunk infrás öblítő rendszereket, infrás csaptelepeket. Itt kiemelnénk az intelligens működtetésű piszoár öblítőinket, amely az öblítéshez használt vízmennyiséget hozzáigazítja a forgalomhoz. Gyártunk komplett komplett orvosi bemosakodókat ami egyrészt lemezmegmunkálás, de a beépített speciális szoftverrel működő infrás orvosi csaptelepeink, fertőtlenítőszer adagolóink mind saját fejlesztésű, speciális szoftverrel működnek.